PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference 17 – 18 Ottobre 2023


Althena Medical sarà presente alla PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference!

Il 17 e 18 ottobre 2023 Althena Medical sarà presente all’edizione 2023 della PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference, che quest’anno sarà ospitata dalla città di Göteborg.

Giunta alla ventesima edizione, la conferenza si è sempre più affermata come un riferimento per promuovere innovazione nella somministrazione dei farmaci iniettabili.

Venite a trovarci a Teatergatan at Valand, Vasagatan 41, stand 137 (Göteborg, Svezia)

Vi aspettiamo!



Althena Medical will be present at PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference!

On 17 and 18 October 2023 Althena Medical will be present at the 2023 edition of the PDA Universe of Pre-Filled Syringes and Injection Devices Conference, which this year will be hosted by the city of Gothenburg.

Now in its twentieth edition, the conference has increasingly established itself as a reference for promoting innovation in the administration of injectable drugs.

Come and visit us at Teatergatan at Valand, Vasagatan 41, stand 137 (Gothenburg, Sweden)

We are waiting for you!